Tanya Lilley

Tanya didn’t grow up in a house full of stories or books. She was raised, along with her half-brother and sister, by a single mother on benefits and bleach fumes. She holds a degree in Textiles from Central Saint Martins, and since deciding that losing one of her four children wasn’t enough of an excuse not to risk anything, she found herself completing an MA in Writing for Young People at Bath Spa University. Before moving to Bath, she raised her menagerie of children and animals, including emus, in both France and Suffolk, and now she gets to raise something more permanent in the pages of a book.

The Forest and the Fox

Upper MG Fantasy adventure

Deep within the Hidden World, night is not the home of darkness; it is the place where light goes to dream . . . Far beneath a chocolate coated sky and only slightly beneath the rich treasure of soil, was a hole. Not worm-like, burrow-like, or cathedral cavernous like; made of solid rock type. But Sky Hole like: An absolutely colossal lump of real, living breathing sky, a mini world within a world, pushed into the ground hundreds of years before, when the first mighty giants roamed the Earth, when the footsteps of almighty trees clomped through the land.

You can contact Tanya via her email.


Charli Haynes


Luke Littlejohn